IT Exhibition

The “Informatics Exhibition”, where the one-year efforts of our University’s Computer Programming students were presented to visitors, was featured in the TRT News bulletin.

The “Informatics Exhibition”, where the one-year efforts of our University’s Computer Programming students were presented to visitors, was featured in the TRT News bulletin.

Our university Technical Sciences Vocational School Computer Technologies Department, Computer Programming Program students organized an “Informatics Exhibition”. Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Recep Gülşen, academic and administrative staff and students attended the opening of the exhibition held in the school. Within the scope of the exhibition, 33 projects developed by students in line with the information they acquired throughout the year were presented to visitors.

The projects included 12 mobile applications and 21 web and desktop applications. The project advisor was Computer Programming academician Lecturer Ferhat Perçin. The projects of the students, which were exhibited within the scope of three separate courses and evaluated by the jury, were awarded at the end of the exhibition. 

Click on the title below to watch the news.

Elektrik Programı Öğrencilerinden Yenilikçi Taşınabilir Güç Kaynağı Tasarımı