The “37th Ahi Culture Week” Program was Organized at Our University

Within the scope of the “37th Ahi Culture Week” celebrated between 22-29 September 2024, a panel, exhibition and workshop event was organized at our University.

Our Vice Rectors Prof. Dr. Recep Gülşen, Prof. Dr. Selahattin Çelebi, Iğdır Provincial Director of Trade Mücahit Yalçın, provincial protocol members, our University personnel, Iğdır Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School students and citizens attended the program held at the Karaağaç Campus July 15 Martyrs Conference Hall.

The program, which started with a moment of silence and the reading of the National Anthem, continued with a musical recital prepared by our University's Musicology Department.

Following the musical feast, our Vice Rector Prof. Dr. Recep Gülşen and Iğdır Provincial Trade Director Yalçın gave speeches drawing attention to the meaning and importance of Ahi culture. Then, the panel moderated by Dr. Lecturer Gonca Sutay took place.

While touching upon the concepts of fetâ, futuvvet and Ahilik in her speech, Dr. Lecturer Sutay also made evaluations on the emergence of the Ahilik Organization on the stage of history and its reflection on the present day.

While one of the panelists, Prof. Dr. Hasan Ocak, reminded the basic moral principles in the Ahi futuwwa scriptures such as honesty, integrity, lawful earnings and hospitality in his presentation, Lecturer Alaattin Yanardağ addressed the subject of Ahiism in the context of society and faith.

Our Career Center Director, Lecturer Hakan Güngör, also made a presentation on today's professions and professional career goals based on Ahi culture.

The panel ended with the presentation of documents to the speakers and a group photo to commemorate the day.

Following the panel, participants visited the mixed exhibition curated by Lecturer Akif Bayrak and participated in the workshop event.

Exhibition titled “July 15: Past, Future and Love of Country”